WEB: Get-a-Pod , Netbox Source-of-Truth
, vCenter-B.local hercules Kraken ESXi CNAP-fortigate (kräver tunnel), Fog (gå till labbet!)
SSH: brouter-gi01.cnap.hv.se (, alfa.cnap.hv.se (
IPMI: kraken-ipmi.cnap.hv.se (not working),
Intressant: Nya Planum VMware Academy
- Booking of Skill Exam
CNAP network dokumentation || hardware documentation || server documentation || client & fog documentation
Gammal CNAP Sida no security by secrets!!
- 🎓👩🎓 Kurser på NIT, DIP & Cyber
- Nätverkstekniskt påbyggnadsår - Kurser på Nätverkstekniskt påbyggnadsår
- Åka utomlands <- Nätverktekniskt kandidatår
- Inventering av servrar i .202- och .203-näten
- Python scripts: random script in the courses
- 📅 Get-a-Pod setup and documentation Intern / Offentlig
- ✔️Rapportskrivning checklista
- vem-har-vad
- ip route & cdp till topologi
programming exercises
- 🟢 Practice - CCNA or CCNP labs (incl. EIGRP),
Install and run "Virtual Router CSR1000v" in "Virtual Box"
Fortinet Fortigate labs
Cyberwall Cyber Security Labs This is not firewall stuff from the '80s
-.1. Bästa filerna: VMRC 1 2, FortiClient-VPN
0.0. map118 rudimentary
0.1. dia-diagram RA <-- Old Skills Exams & Challange Exercises
0.2. CCNP-1 (ENCOR) Challange, info and stuff
0.3. CCNP-2 (ENARSI) Challange, info and stuff
0.4 PXE boot over UEFI - installation and comments
0.5 REST API restconf on Cisco IOS
[evpn-flood-1](NEW: cxlan, part 1) OLD: VXLAN & Spine-Leaf på Catalyst switchar
Public Login training.fortinet.com universitywest-hgskolanvst
Academic Teacher resources Folder
0.8.1 Lab1 https://youtu.be/aeIwTXC41z4 Ibrahim Adwan
0.8.5 Lab5 Youtube: https://youtu.be/veDM08yKnmo "NSE 4 FortiGate Security 7.0 (LAB 05: Firewall Authentication)" by "vXqw4NdusPm65jTw"
Time-Waste??: Keith Barker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZQ0wFoQDmc Full Fortigate Setup (Don't listen to SD-WAN)
0.8.6 Forti IPS How to configure Security features such as IPS and malware protection on FortiOS 7.0
0.9.1 Create Lasershow in ShowControllershowcontroller from www.laserworld.com
0.10 WiFi ( Index-page )
0.10.1 New WLC lab: Mgmnt LAN + SSID/Vlan10 connects to Internet
0.10.2 Virtual WLC lab
Gammalt arkiverat <-- klicka här för att fälla ut dold text
- INT202: Grupplista med IP-nummer, 0.Installation _ monitor in 10 minutes splunk , Visualization of FirewallD-logs in SPLUNK
- Inbyggda System: Planering,
- IP-tel & QoS: IPtelQos-Kursupplägg
- GNA101: GNA-Admin_plans, Lab 1, Lab 23, Lab 45 (old), Lab 67, Lab 8 , Lab 9+10=Wireshark, Lab 11 , Cable Bootcamp -- GRUPPER
- IPT203: IPT-bokning, Alternativ gruppskill 2017, CCNA Voice , CME and Video with CiscoVideoAdvantage (CUVA)
- X-jobb: Poster & skriv- anvisningar, Bokning av Robert för X jobbshandledning
- IP Telephony and Wireless IPTxxx ,
- VSL402: HowTo: Access Blade Chassis, VCP Exam questions 2017, (old 2016, old 2015, old 2014, 2013, 2012, HowTo: Access Blade Chassis-Staff)
- CCNP_Route CCNP Route, CCNP Equal Cost Multi Path (ECMP)
- WRONG LINK ?!? CCNP Troubleshoot
- rPi Zero W: rPi Bluetooth,Networking with micro:bit,
- Hur du ansöker om examen (NIT och NTK)
- PMT_Booking_2014
- IPnummer_193.10.236_237
- Brainstorming
- Programmering
- Python programs for better workflow
- Ansible
- Linux
- USB sticks for courses
- Various scripts
- Guider
- Blandade guider för Proxmox i kursen OGL Proxmox för OGL
- Alfa - server setup Guide ProxmoxForAlfa
- Windows 11 - Desktop setup i Proxmox ProxmoxforWindows11
- FOG - Server setup ProxmoxforFog
5. isci iscsi_proxmox_student3
:firewall: External links: * Fortinet Asset Management, Where is FortiAcademy ??
- Fortigate Ankomstdokumentation 2022
- Fortigate API doc + conf
- ASDM's "Packet Tracer" (not Cisco PT !) in Fortigate is called Policy Lookup
List of markdown EMOJIS:

<-- Click Here !
"scientist": "🧑🔬",
"man_scientist": "👨🔬",
"woman_scientist": "👩🔬",
"technologist": "🧑💻",
"guard": "💂",
"ninja": "🥷",
"construction_worker": "👷",
"superhero": "🦸",
"supervillain": "🦹",
"runner": "🏃",
"climbing": "🧗",
"surfer": "🏄",
"taco": "🌮",
"bricks": "🧱",
"rotating_light": "🚨",
"traffic_light": "🚥",
"vertical_traffic_light": "🚦",
"stop_sign": "🛑",
"construction": "🚧",
"open_umbrella": "☂️",
"level_slider": "🎚️",
"control_knobs": "🎛️",
"electric_plug": "🔌",
"computer": "💻",
"desktop_computer": "🖥️",
"printer": "🖨️",
"keyboard": "⌨️",
"computer_mouse": "🖱️",
"floppy_disk": "💾",
"cd": "💿",
"closed_lock_with_key": "🔐",
"gear": "⚙️",
"clamp": "🗜️",
"balance_scale": "⚖️",
"toolbox": "🧰",
"black_flag": "🏴",
"white_flag": "🏳️",
This text is always visible (the summary) <-- Click Here !
Here you put you long text that is hidden
SPOILER: Colonel mustard killed Miss Scarlett in the library with the candlestick
This text is always visible (the summary) <-- Click Here !
Here you put you long text that is hidden
SPOILER: Colonel mustard killed Miss Scarlett in the library with the candlestick!
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It's also possible to use other units, like %. Useful when you need the image to take all the available space: