Diverse guider för Proxmox
- Samtliga Modermaskiner > local > permissions - Lägg till gruppen du har skapat för att användaren skall få tillgång till .iso filer
Group.Allocate: create/modify/remove groups
Mapping.Audit: view resource mappings
Mapping.Modify: manage resource mappings
Mapping.Use: use resource mappings
Permissions.Modify: modify access permissions
Pool.Allocate: create/modify/remove a pool
Pool.Audit: view a pool
Realm.AllocateUser: assign user to a realm
Realm.Allocate: create/modify/remove authentication realms
SDN.Allocate: manage SDN configuration
SDN.Audit: view SDN configuration
Sys.Audit: view node status/config, Corosync cluster config, and HA config
Sys.Console: console access to node
Sys.Incoming: allow incoming data streams from other clusters (experimental)
Sys.Modify: create/modify/remove node network parameters
Sys.PowerMgmt: node power management (start, stop, reset, shutdown, …)
Sys.Syslog: view syslog
User.Modify: create/modify/remove user access and details.
SDN.Use: access SDN vnets and local network bridges
VM.Allocate: create/remove VM on a server
VM.Audit: view VM config
VM.Backup: backup/restore VMs
VM.Clone: clone/copy a VM
VM.Config.CDROM: eject/change CD-ROM
VM.Config.CPU: modify CPU settings
VM.Config.Cloudinit: modify Cloud-init parameters
VM.Config.Disk: add/modify/remove disks
VM.Config.HWType: modify emulated hardware types
VM.Config.Memory: modify memory settings
VM.Config.Network: add/modify/remove network devices
VM.Config.Options: modify any other VM configuration
VM.Console: console access to VM
VM.Migrate: migrate VM to alternate server on cluster
VM.Monitor: access to VM monitor (kvm)
VM.PowerMgmt: power management (start, stop, reset, shutdown, …)
VM.Snapshot.Rollback: rollback VM to one of its snapshots
VM.Snapshot: create/delete VM snapshots
Datastore.Allocate: create/modify/remove a datastore and delete volumes
Datastore.AllocateSpace: allocate space on a datastore
Datastore.AllocateTemplate: allocate/upload templates and ISO images
Datastore.Audit: view/browse a datastore
/nodes/{node}: Access to Proxmox VE server machines
/vms: Covers all VMs
/vms/{vmid}: Access to specific VMs
/storage/{storeid}: Access to a specific storage
/pool/{poolname}: Access to resources contained in a specific pool
/access/groups: Group administration
/access/realms/{realmid}: Administrative access to realms
Pool.Audit: view a pool
VM Priv
SDN.Use: access SDN vnets and local network bridges
VM.Allocate: create/remove VM on a server
VM.Audit: view VM config
VM.Clone: clone/copy a VM
VM.Config.CDROM: eject/change CD-ROM
VM.Config.CPU: modify CPU settings
VM.Config.Disk: add/modify/remove disks
VM.Config.Memory: modify memory settings
VM.Config.Network: add/modify/remove network devices
VM.Console: console access to VM
VM.PowerMgmt: power management (start, stop, reset, shutdown, …)
VM.Monitor: access to VM monitor (kvm)
VM.Config.Options: modify any other VM configuration
VM.Config.HWType: modify emulated hardware types
Datastore.Audit: view/browse a datastore
Datastore.AllocateSpace: allocate space on a datastore
path (Sökvägarna i Proxmox bildar en hierarkisk struktur där behörigheter på högre nivåer, kan spridas ner till objekt på lägre nivåer i trädet)
grupp (gruppen du har skapat)
role (rollen du har skapat)
propagate (Behörigheter kan konfigureras så att de sprids nedåt i hierarkin)
I Proxmox VE finns det ingen traditionell "mappstruktur" där man kan skapa mappar för att gruppera virtuella maskiner visuellt, som man kanske är van vid i andra hanteringsverktyg. Däremot kan du använda pools.