Task 1: Using OpenVAS
1a/ Scan different networks and find the most interesting one
1b/ Submit a PDF-report (auto-generated) of the most "interesting" (one net only) with many CVE's and Vulnerabilities to Canvas
Start a command shell in Kali/Linux
sudo chmod 777 /home/kali
sudo gvm-setup
< downloading stuff takes a loooooooooong time >
< Notus file: 10 minutes, NASL files: 10 minutes, SCAP files: 20mins *-data: 20 mins >
Meanwhile you MUST update your photo on mittkonto.hv.se
sudo gvm-check-setup
<output omitted for clarity>
It seems like your GVM-22.5.0 installation is OK.
sudo gvm-start
. If you get errors from "task" saving inside the web-browser, fix it with:
sudo chmod -R 777 /var/lib/gvm
If you get "Failed to find config ‘daba56c8-73ec-11df-a475-002264764cea’" when creating a new Scan, fix it with sudo greenbone-feed-sync ← Use Firefix App, remember the port-number
Scan full NETWORKS with OpenVAS, that is /24's etc
HOSTS (/32's) are for NESSUS due to license restrictions
Create a target under Configuration->Target menu. Use "Square with star" icon to create a new one.
Create a new Task under Scans->Tasks menu. Use "Square with star" icon to create a new one.
Question 1 What chapters in the book from P.C. von Oorschot does the vulnerabilities found, fall under? Make a list of chapter titles!
Question 2 Make a list of vulnerability types and map two or three of the discovered vulnerabilities to these classes?
Question 3 2a/ What is CVE? 2b/ What is CVSS? 2c/ Explain what it has to do with vulnerabilites found by OpenVAS!
(this is probably more easy in Windows, not Kali-Linux)
Only scan HOSTS (/32's), not networks, since NESSUS demo
have license restrictions
Task 2: Using Nessus Professional
A. Using the information from the previous LAN-scans :
Scan three different interesting hosts and generate one PDF-report (auto-generated)
B. Submit the PDF-report (auto-generated) of the most "interesting" (one host only) with many CVE's and Vulnerabilities to Canvas
Some hints:
Scan only HOSTS (full IP address) with NESSUS
*NOT* NETWORKS due to license restrictions
Question 4 Why does the findings from Nessus differ from OpenVAS?
Question 5 From what sources does OpenVAS download "signatures"? Where does Nessus get its "feeds"?
Question 6 Why can you feed OpenVAS and Nessus with login credentials?? What is the use of that?
Question 7 Mitigation: 7a/ How does Nessus help you to fix vulnerabilities? 7b/ Can this be automated, so problems can be fixed automatically? if so, how??
Upload 2 different PDF-reports, and one document
After Scan