End Goal
* set up a bad web-server (example webgoat or DVWA) and perform a “SQL-injection” or “Cross site scripting” → succedd with attack
* Protect the bad web-server with NGFW Fortigate again and perform a “SQL-injection” or “Cross site scripting” → Fail! (now protected)
Read (& Learn) Before the Lab
Inspirational Picture:
Fortigate Web Application F (WAF) screenshot
Please note “Signatures” and “SQL injection” above
BAD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4qwpBxH5b4 Web application firewall (WAF) - firewall training
Good: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYdzj1XMMAI
Below is a picture of the NG-firewall that you will use. Please go and find it in your POD. It is forbidden to use NGFS's from other POD's.
Cable according to the below topology
ip a
to find out what XX is in the 192.168.1.XX address of eth0-interfaceInstall DamnVulnerableWebApplication (dvwa) into Kali-Linux
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install dvwa
sudo dvwa-start
surf to
sudo dvwa-stop
sudo nano /etc/dvwa/vhost/dvwa-nginx.conf
change two occurrences of “deny all” to “allow all”
sudo dvwa-start
This is the actual lab: previous things where only initial setup/prerequisites
Do not do the inital setup; press Later , Disable , Don't or Optimal .
The topology is as depicted in the diagram below:
NAT works very well for the "inside" kali-PC to access the Internet, but no one on the "outside" (Internet) can reach the kali-PC. TCP session are only one way.
Lets fix it with Port Forwarding that lends a TCP port on the fortigate, and routes that traffic to the Inside.
Remember that dvwa uses port# 42001 for http traffic, not 80
51 +
52 +
53 +
Access DVWA from the outside Windows PC with http (not https) using the URL http://192.168.16.XX:42001
Troubleshoot Port-Forward NAT if you can not see the http web-page
Go to DVWA Security: Change Security Level to "low"
Go to XSS (reflected) and enter Robert
Go to XSS (reflected) and enter <Script>alert("hacked by Robert")</Script>
Read more: https://tanmay26.medium.com/cross-site-scripting-xss-dvwa-damn-vulnerable-web-applications-36808bff37b3
Got to Setup/Reset DB: Click button "Create/Reset Database"
Go to SQL injection and enter 1
Go to SQL injection and enter %' or '1' = '1 Beware of the difference of ', ` and ´ characters :- )
Read more: https://medium.com/@tafiaalifianty/low-level-sql-injection-in-dvwa-41928b7206c6
Manual: FortiGate / FortiOS 7.4.1 Administration Guide Protecting a server running web applications
config system global
set proxy-and-explicit-proxy enable
config system settings
set gui-proxy-inspection enable
Click top right corner >_ symbol for CLI
Access DVWA from the outside Windows PC with http (not https) using the URL http://192.168.16.XX:42001
Troubleshoot Port-Forward NAT if you can not see the http web-page
Go to DVWA Security: Change Security Level to "low"
Go to XSS (reflected) and enter Robert
Go to XSS (reflected) and enter <Script>alert("hacked by Robert")</Script>
Read more: https://tanmay26.medium.com/cross-site-scripting-xss-dvwa-damn-vulnerable-web-applications-36808bff37b3
5.1 Got to Setup/Reset DB: Click button "Create/Reset Database"
5.2 Go to SQL injection and enter 1
5.3 Go to SQL injection and enter %' or '1' = '1 Beware of the difference of ', ` and ´ characters :- )
Read more: https://medium.com/@tafiaalifianty/low-level-sql-injection-in-dvwa-41928b7206c6
x0. Include a screenshot of the blocked attack, you must include the full screen (with the date/clock in the bottom right corner)
Optional: Last update of WAF signature file? Frequency of updates? Number of signatures in WAF signature file?
x1. What is an ASIC compared to a CPU?
x2. What kind of ASICs (processors) does Fortinet produce? (different ones for different products)
x2b. whic one is used in Fortigate 40F?
x3. In the above picture (open/edit a policy in Policy&Objects > FirewallPolicy) you see nTurbo, SPU and Software. Explain these three!
x4. Find a (scientific) article that measures SNORT on regular (off the shelf) CPU, or similar measurments.
x4a. What is the title of the article?
x4b. Summarize the findings in 2-3 sentences!
Do only one of the following alternatives (XOR)
Alternative 1 - Preferred (hard)
Alt1: Submit a short how-to guide how you succeeded in mitigating a SQLi attack over a https connection (including screenshots)
Alternative 2 - Please don't (easy)
Alt2a: Can you get a free signed https certificate on the Internet? If so, where?
Alt2b: Explain with a figure and text what a Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) is!
Alt2c: Explain what a web server proxy is and how it can function with todays use of https
Erase the Fortigate, so it is clean for the next group, by pressing the >_ icon (top right corner)
Type: execute factoryreset
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4qwpBxH5b4 Web application firewall (WAF) - firewall training (forti Tip)
https://youtu.be/Kn27rdcn7tk?si=tEP2QFdI28eB3p2l FortiGate WAF David Romero Trejo (No talking, music only)