- RELOAD PAGE from time to time
- + - Firewall has NOT been opened yet, traffic is still filtered to B118
- [previously] “ Lab 1 - Introduction to the Internet and the OSI-model ” Addressing, Addresses,
- [previously] “ Lab 2 - Reconnaissance Phase "
- [previously] “ Lab 3 - Vulnerability Scan ”- Use OpenVAS and Nessus to scan for vulnerabilities in the networks found in Lab 2.
- [now] “ Lab 4 - Become Vulnerable, Be the Target " - Now we flip the situation, we passively sit and wait to be attacked, exposed to all the dangers of the (nowadays evil) Internet.
By putting a computer on the Internet, unprotected and without any type of firewall, what (malicious) traffic will it attract?
First you gather a lot of data for a long time, then you save the data into a file, and finally you present the data in three different ways in SPLUNK.
Check that the log file is growing by the minute with the command journalctl | grep robert
Aug 4 13:23:00 kali kernel: robert IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=a2:be:d2:ab:11:af:e2:f2:00:00 SRC= DST= LEN=52 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00
TTL=127 ID=9434 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=58428 DPT=443 WINDOW=8192 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
QUESTION: Collect iptables-data for 4 hours. How many attacks per minute? Generate the below histogram with logarithm(10) y-axis of most attacked ports! List the 10 least attacked ports
You can use excel (bad), or learn how to use SPLUNK below (good)
TIP: Use the command journalctl | grep robert > attacker.log to create a file with only your data
SPLUNK is a commercial alternative to ELK-stack i.e. Elasticsearch, Logstash & Kibana
Not so difficult
^^^ Look! the number do not go in equal steps (linear) like 10,20,30,40,… the multiply by 10 (log10) 10, 100, 1000, …. Now you can see small (5) and big (1 000) in the same graph, as well as Zero (0)
Search data and Draw the Map
source="/var/log/attacker.log" SRC 123 23 12
SRC count City Country Region lat lon 176 1 Thailand 13.75000 100.46670 1 Uddevalla Sweden 58.34980 11.93560 1 Thailand 13.75000 100.46670 1 Seoul Rep. of Korea Seoul 37.51110 126.97430
latitude Longitude Count
-49.12312 -68.123123 12
12.45234 31.1231 7
-12.12312 12.1233 300
SRC | iplocation SRC | search Country="Sweden" | stats count by City | sort - count | head 16
Final Result of three (3) on a dashboard:
QUESTION 1 Generate the above dashboard with three ELEMENTS (1. Lin-Log histogram of ports attacked, 2. Map of source locations, 3. top Swedish towns that attacked your computer) and put a screenshot of it in your report
QUESTION 2 Explain why Robert thinks the above is boring?
Hint1: In programming syntax is boring & semantics are less boring Hint2: Filter traffic on port# is boring (see screenshot above), but filter traffic with _____ actually makes sense in today's threat landscape.
QUESTION 3 Explain:
a/ DPI
QUESTION 4 Can the above be solved with a firewall from the 80'-ies, or do you need cyberwall (also called NGFW) with Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) etc? Motivate!
QUESTION 5 What kind of traffic pattern (port usage) will data-traffic have in a modern environment with Google Document, taxdepartment.gov.se and other internet services. From what sources will traffic come from?
Firstly: The idea behind T-Pot🍯 is to create a system, whose entire TCP network range as well as some important UDP services act as honeypot.
Secondly: to forward all incoming attack traffic to the best suited honeypot daemons in order to respond and process it.
* You must first install Ubuntu Linux, then install tpot in Ubuntu
* The installer requires Legacy BIOS, not UEFI
Watch Youtube
QUESTION 6 What is a container (not a Virtual Machine) and what is it used for?
a/ Explain the above architecture of T-Pot!
b/ According to your port-histogram in SPLUNK, what subsystem container honeypots will be mostly used?
$ git clone https://github.com/telekom-security/tpotce
QUESTION 8 Read the documentation for https://suricata.io/ and Cowrie ReadTheDocs // XYZ. Evaluate the difference between Cowrie and Suricata; Why choose one over the other; what are your findings?
QUESTION 9 From the table below;
a/ which of the 4 attacks ("Cross site scripting", "SQL Injection", "Trojans" & “Information Disclosure”) can you observe in T-Pot🍯?
b/ How many of each?
QUESTION 10 From the table above and the figure “T-Pot🍯 Architecture” above; which honeypot is most suitable for finding this type of attacks?
QUESTION 11 Make sure that you have at least 24 hours of data in T-Pot🍯
a/ Change the time interval (top-right) to last 24 hours/one day
b/ What CVE (attack) do think is the most serious that your vulnerable system has been attacked with (Probably not the one with the highest CVSS score)
c/ Make a screenshot of the most interesting (or funny) thing you have discovered in the T-Pot🍯 arsenal of honeypots. Motivate!
QUESTION 12 I Think the ASA-honeypot is the most obscure & niche honeypot in the T-pot🍯 collection
a/ Find another honeypot that you find as obscure & niche as possible!
b/ Are there any attacks against that honeypot?
wget -O splunk-6.5.3-36937ad027d4-linux-2.6-x86_64.rpm 'https://www.splunk.com/bin/splunk/DownloadActivityServlet?architecture=x86_64&platform=linux&version=6.5.3&product=splunk&filename=splunk-6.5.3-36937ad027d4-linux-2.6-x86_64.rpm&wget=true'
echo "--------------------------"
yum localinstall splunk-6.5.3-36937ad027d4-linux-2.6-x86_64.rpm
rpm -ql splunk | grep splunk
$ echo "--------------------------"
# firewall-cmd --add-rich-rule='rule family="ipv4" port port="8000" protocol="tcp" accept'
Port | Protocol | Direction | Description |
80, 443 | tcp | outgoing | T-Pot Management: Install, Updates, Logs (i.e. OS, GitHub, DockerHub, Sicherheitstacho, etc. |
64294 | tcp | incoming | T-Pot Management: Sensor data transmission to hive (through NGINX reverse proxy) to |
64295 | tcp | incoming | T-Pot Management: Access to SSH |
64297 | tcp | incoming | T-Pot Management Access to NGINX reverse proxy |
5555 | tcp | incoming | Honeypot: ADBHoney |
5000 | udp | incoming | Honeypot: CiscoASA |
8443 | tcp | incoming | Honeypot: CiscoASA |
443 | tcp | incoming | Honeypot: CitrixHoneypot |
80, 102, 502, 1025, 2404, 10001, 44818, 47808, 50100 | tcp | incoming | Honeypot: Conpot |
161, 623 | udp | incoming | Honeypot: Conpot |
22, 23 | tcp | incoming | Honeypot: Cowrie |
19, 53, 123, 1900 | udp | incoming | Honeypot: Ddospot |
11112 | tcp | incoming | Honeypot: Dicompot |
21, 42, 135, 443, 445, 1433, 1723, 1883, 3306, 8081 | tcp | incoming | Honeypot: Dionaea |
69 | udp | incoming | Honeypot: Dionaea |
9200 | tcp | incoming | Honeypot: Elasticpot |
22 | tcp | incoming | Honeypot: Endlessh |
21, 22, 23, 25, 80, 110, 143, 443, 993, 995, 1080, 5432, 5900 | tcp | incoming | Honeypot: Heralding |
21, 22, 23, 25, 80, 110, 143, 389, 443, 445, 631, 1080, 1433, 1521, 3306, 3389, 5060, 5432, 5900, 6379, 6667, 8080, 9100, 9200, 11211 | tcp | incoming | Honeypot: qHoneypots |
53, 123, 161, 5060 | udp | incoming | Honeypot: qHoneypots |
631 | tcp | incoming | Honeypot: IPPHoney |
80, 443, 8080, 9200, 25565 | tcp | incoming | Honeypot: Log4Pot |
25 | tcp | incoming | Honeypot: Mailoney |
2575 | tcp | incoming | Honeypot: Medpot |
6379 | tcp | incoming | Honeypot: Redishoneypot |
5060 | tcp/udp | incoming | Honeypot: SentryPeer |
80 | tcp | incoming | Honeypot: Snare (Tanner) |
8090 | tcp | incoming | Honeypot: Wordpot |